
Tuesday 24 July 2012

space : proposal

For this project, I want to explore a space which gives a sense of going somewhere - a journey. To do this, I have chosen to photograph the Wellington Railway Station. I am interested in how the place is where people congregate to go somewhere. Along with this, I want to try and show the feelings associated with people's different journey's. I think that the station is a symbol for journey's and I want to explore the different paths that are taken from there - the many tracks of the Wellington Railway Station.

To communicate my theme, I will use a large depth of field. I think that this will give a sense of going somewhere and that the journey goes past the picture. I will also shoot the station at night as I think the lighting is softer at night and the darkness gives an idea of mystery and unknown - a feeling associated with journeys. 

Ultimately, from this project I want to explore how the Wellington Railways Station is a means of transportation for people and how they may perceive this space.

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