
Saturday 31 March 2012

entry two: research citations

I am researching the history of New Zealand design and architecture.

Source 1: Single authored book:

Douglas, L. (2004). At Home: a century of New Zealand design. Auckland, New Zealand: Goodwit.

This book explores the way in which design and architecture in New Zealand was influenced by and adapted to international design movements in the 20th century. This book is useful as it covers a wide time period in New Zealand showing how design and architecture was developed here.

Source 2: Scholarly Journal Article:

Higgins, M. (2010). Urban design and the planning system in aotearoa-new zealand: Disjuncture or convergence? Urban Design International, 15(1), 1-21. doi:10.1057/udi.2009.16 

This article evaluates how Maori and colonial influences evolved an emphasis of sustainability in New Zealand design. This source is valuable as it is a credited source, giving facts and cultural perspectives on the history of New Zealand design, while offering international comparative design issues that helped shape design and architecture in New Zealand.

Scource 3: Edited Book:

Gately, J, & Lima, D. A. (Eds.). (2008). Long live the modern: New Zealand's new architecture, 1904-1984/ edited by Julia Gately. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Press.

In this book, pictures give a clear insight to the design aspects of New Zealand. Contributing writers explain these designs and how culture and environment influenced them. This book is useful as it clearly explains connections between design and environment, a major part of the history of design and architecture in New Zealand.

Scource 4: Website:
Garret, J. (2005). ARCHITECTURE. Retrieved from

This website works as an encyclopedia to inform New Zealanders on all aspects of our history. It is useful to me as it gives information on chosen topics, specific to New Zealand. This means that I am getting an in-depth look into the history of New Zealand design and architecture.

Source 5: Image:

(2011). Retrieved from 2011

This is an image of the Wellington building, Te Whare Waka O Poneke, which was opened on February 6th, 2011. The building was built to house two waka tuau and waka ama, showing the significance of Maori culture in our society. This image is valuable to me as it showcases how contemporary design has merged with our countries heritage throughout history, creating a unique New Zealand flavour in design and architecture.

Thursday 29 March 2012



I chose architectural drawing as a technical drawing style to copy. As architects use these drawings to show plans of buildings, I am using the same style to show a plan of a craft knife. This style shows the basic shape and layout of an object, whilst distinguishing dimensions and details through line weight and hatch. I believe it shows the true essence of the object as its simplest form, which makes it easy for us to see the object, as an object, without attaching personal taste or emotion.

touch and draw

door knob draft.

wine glass drafts.

fork drafts.

My piece for this exercise is based on the "true essence of a fork". While essentially being a transportation device of food, the simplicity of the fork and what we use it for brings enjoyment to people, allowing us to eat food we love easily.







Tuesday 13 March 2012

entry one: me.

u. r. n.

     W: 15/11/1992    
     W: WGTN, NZ    
     WHY: well...


When asked, "why did you choose to study design?", my mind went blank - probably not the typical reaction for a design student, but then, what is a typical design student?

At college I developed an interest in the idea that I can present something in a certain way to manipulate views on that object, essentially manipulating a life of someone who is viewing or using that object. I decided to study marketing. Then, after being told repeatedly by family "YOU CAN'T JUST DO A COMMERCE DEGREE" I was on the look to give me an upper hand on the other 20 billion future commerce graduates in New Zealand. This is where design came in.

Design- it was only a suggestion which my sister made while trying to figure out what else would accompany my boring, lonely degree that I was already set on doing. She said: "What about design?" - I replied: "Why not?"

I think design is now a key point in marketing an object - cue in Apple - and this, based on my interest and enjoyment of art, is why I decided to study design. My inspiration for design would have to just be the world around me. We, as a society, are the most complex and compelling form around, adapting to the world around us as it changes every year, day, and second, learning and reflecting on the past, yet stepping forward for the future - which I believe are two key components of design. My aspiration of design is to succeed in this - isn't everyone's?

With marketing I want to make up minds. With design I want to make up history.

Monday 12 March 2012

helvetica. period.

“You can say I love you in Helvetica… You can say I hate you in Helvetica.”

 “Helvetica” by Gary Hustwit.

I believe that with any form of communication – orally, written, or drawn – that the meaning being conveyed isn’t always the one that is the most blatant; It is the underlying message. In this, I think that Helvetica allows us, even encourages us, to not focus on that first understanding and enable us to look into what is being said in a much deeper way. With Helvetica, the masking of communication has been stripped off, and we are left to interpret the inner message ourselves.

take two.

Sooooo this is not my first blog. I kept one about two years ago while I was on an overseas exchange in Arizona. Initially I was just going to use that blog for this work. Then I thought about it.That blog was for then and this is for now.

We can look to the past for references, clues, lessons, and joy, but we can not change it. This is my new blog. For a new beginning. Why? 

Because what comes after the end is what always does, another new beginning.