
Tuesday 13 March 2012

entry one: me.

u. r. n.

     W: 15/11/1992    
     W: WGTN, NZ    
     WHY: well...


When asked, "why did you choose to study design?", my mind went blank - probably not the typical reaction for a design student, but then, what is a typical design student?

At college I developed an interest in the idea that I can present something in a certain way to manipulate views on that object, essentially manipulating a life of someone who is viewing or using that object. I decided to study marketing. Then, after being told repeatedly by family "YOU CAN'T JUST DO A COMMERCE DEGREE" I was on the look to give me an upper hand on the other 20 billion future commerce graduates in New Zealand. This is where design came in.

Design- it was only a suggestion which my sister made while trying to figure out what else would accompany my boring, lonely degree that I was already set on doing. She said: "What about design?" - I replied: "Why not?"

I think design is now a key point in marketing an object - cue in Apple - and this, based on my interest and enjoyment of art, is why I decided to study design. My inspiration for design would have to just be the world around me. We, as a society, are the most complex and compelling form around, adapting to the world around us as it changes every year, day, and second, learning and reflecting on the past, yet stepping forward for the future - which I believe are two key components of design. My aspiration of design is to succeed in this - isn't everyone's?

With marketing I want to make up minds. With design I want to make up history.

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