
Tuesday 6 August 2013

photographic fiction : evaluation

“Disposable Me” turned out alright, but it is not exactly what I had initially envisioned. I feel like I have only sort of portrayed the coffee cup’s feelings or created empathy towards it. However I think that the series blends well together and tells a narrative well.

For this project I found it easy to think of ways in which I could personify the disposable coffee cup, however in practice it turned out a bit more difficult. After basing the series of Spike Jonze’s ad “Lamp”, I can see how important audio is to establish the mood of the video. I also found it difficult to manipulate the colours of the image to give cooler tones and feelings to them as when I did this it looked obviously changed and not natural. Another challenge I faced was capturing the whole lifecycle of the cup- I had proposed to start the series from the very start of the journey, at the manufacturers or suppliers, but once I got there to shoot, the company showed me their staff coffee cups and then let me know that they didn’t have any of their sale stock “in at the moment”. I had to rework the project, starting the series from inside a cafe instead.

From this project I learnt how photographs can be used to create a story and manipulate how people feel. It gave me a greater appreciation for photography and understanding of how film was created from it.

If I could have done anything differently for this project it would to have been more organised so that when I went to the suppliers I could have found another one to explore instead of having to change my project.

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