
Tuesday 12 August 2014

live theory : critical selfie : stage three

In-between the designed are the forgotten spaces - it is here where the essence of the city can thrive.

My critical perspective explores the relationship between designed spaces and those which are not. Inspired by Jahangeer's piece in Urban Future Manifestos (2011), Made in Between showcases the relationship between the intentionally and unintentionally designed worlds and how they inform each other. The designed world effectively shapes the non-designed, where the spaces in-between design are as much of a product of design as those that were created intentionally.  However, it is in these negative spaces are where the essence of a culture can flourish. Jahangeer states that "creativity exists everywhere, and that the ability of space/place-making exists in everybody" - design can somewhat restrict this creativity. In this, the negative spaces that are created through design are the perfect facilitators for creativity.

Support for this idea was found in Tonya Sweet's lecture Material culture, People Culture and Globalised Culture, where the active exchange between design, people and culture was discussed: that people are product of their culture yet they are also the ones who are shaping culture. Design embodies the designers values and beliefs and projects these onto others. A city should then reflect those values and beliefs of it's occupants as a whole, not just those of the designers. This is why the undesigned space of a city is where the essence of the society is - it is in these spaces that have not been bound by predetermined views where the true culture of the city can be displayed.

Made in Between captures these in-between spaces and emphasises that it is within these places where the cultural creators of the city, the people, thrive.

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