
Wednesday 1 October 2014

live theory : manifesto : draft manifesto

So here is my draft manifesto. I'm still not sure if I want to extend on my manifesto concepts. While I feel that they need to be explained a bit better, I do want the reader to be able to interpret them however they like - to "design" them themselves. I think this has made my assignment a wee bit harder as I am constantly trying to allow for as much adaptability and personal interpretation as I can. It's a bit tricky designing something that the user actually designs!

I still haven't got much of an idea about what my manifestation should be.. (eeeeeek) which is a problem since it's due next week. In order for the physical object to embody my manifesto ideas, it needs to be something that allows for user adaptability and customization, allowing for individual identity to be communicated through new users. My initial idea was some sort of building blocks where people could do what they liked with them, but I still don't think this idea embodies my manifesto too well. So I am still a bit stuck.

I have also played with the idea of producing more of a "guidebook" for the everyday designer in stead of an actual object. This guidebook would too need to express the concepts outlined in my manifesto too. I thought of maybe making it so it can be read in whatever way the reader wants to. But i'm really not that sure.. 

So, I have a lot of work to do! I need to just start doing and stop thinking!

Currently, I know that my design needs to be:
- adaptability, it needs to be pliable in order for the user to manipulate it and use it as to how they see fit
- customisable, in order to reflect the users individual identity, and to grow with it

I also currently know that I need to answer these questions in order to produce a successful design and manifesto:
- why is adaptability and customisation important? What will it achieve?
- does this or how does this make design better?
- how can this be achieved/commuincated through design? Eg. materials, technologies used

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