
Monday 14 May 2012

the clip: inspire. ation.

Initial development for the clip. I'm looking at Culture+Context and exploring the ways that social issues affect design. So, as the title suggests, this is just the inspiration in it all. Cheeeeeeeck it out.



          "enables students to... explore new concepts, evolving theories and historical ideas that contribute to design in contemporary culture. It recognises the increasing importance of design, and is influenced by new technologies, shifting geo-politics and global culture and society... Culture+Context is a cross-disciplinary subject providing an insightful approach to critical understandings and contemporary interpretations of design. Students will acquire thorough knowledge of key historical and theoretical approaches in design, and will examine their impact on visual culture."


I like the method used for this.
Cool clips. About it.
I like how this deals with an issue and is thought provoking.

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