
Thursday 3 May 2012

one word moooooovie development.

Animation Draft:

In my final version, I have added more variations of making mistakes in my animation. I also added more sounds, of breathing, a frustrated "grunt/moan" sound and a deep breath. I think this strengthened my ideas, making the meaning of the word more clear.

Developed Story Boards: 




Mistake 2:

Initial Story Board Ideas:

Consume: Playing with the idea of being a consumer (buying things) and then eating. I like this idea as it expresses two meanings of one word.

Triumph: Showing the battle of climbing a mountain - a great triumph. In this animation, all letters will have different personalities. I am quite interested in giving characters different personalities.

Mistake: This looks into the idea of typing on a computer and the frustration of making errors while typing. I think that this idea would be effective as it is simple.

Disperse: Simple animation - the letters all spread out. I think this idea is a bit too simple, and don't think it really has much room to develop. 

Wipe: Taking the idea of windscreen wipers. As the wipers move, the word is revealed then "wiped" away again. I quite like this idea, except I don't think it explains the most obvious meaning of the word.

Stack: The font is made to look like blocks that are stacked. As the stack is finished, it becomes wobbly and falls over. This idea looks a bit messy, and also not as clear meaning is conveyed.

Drops: Again, dealing with a multiple meaning word. This time looking at rain "drops" and the action "drops". The letters act as rain drops that also drop down. I really like this idea and think it would be a strong animation.

Open: The "O" acts as a door which opens, allowing the other letters to come through. I don't think this idea is as strong as my others.


My initial brainstorm, thinking of different words that I could use..

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