
Wednesday 11 May 2016

project three : innovative production and distribution processes

NIKE Reuse-A-Shoe:

NIKE's reuse-a-shoe programme utilises repurposing practices for sustainable and economic gains. The process encourages people to return old sneakers to NIKE stores where they will be sent off to be recycled. The rubber from sneaker soles are then reused for a number of products such as track surfaces, interior surfaces and garment pieces.

I like the idea that NIKE encourages users of their products to see that the life of their products goes beyond the point which users define as then end of it's lifecycle. NIKE cleverly employs the repurposing of materials in order to enhance their "sustainable" and innovative image, further creating brand equity, while increasing economic success by reselling these products.

This idea of repurposing products and materials directly relates to maker culture and practices, as a products lifecycle is extended.

IKEA Flat Packs:

While IKEA is often criticised for their generic designs which lack durability, their approach to production and distribution of their goods revolutionised the furniture sales industry. While there are many innovative aspects of IKEA's manufacturing and distribution process which is central to their success, their flat packaging of goods allows for low costs and easy distribution which offers a more ecological approach to the distribution of goods.

However, something that is not often considered is how the flat packaging aspect encourages users to engage with the making process. By distributing goods that are not already assembled, consumers are essentially a part of the production of the product. This means that users are prompted to participate in making and therefore exposed to maker culture and practice.

This is achieved through the simple design of the products which offers a user-friendly assembly process.

An idea of the maker culture that resonates with me most is participation - getting people to engage with the making and the process of designing. This is something that I would like to explore in this final assignment. I think I can use the idea behind IKEA's flat packs that incorporates users into the making process. In this, I want to take the revamp-a-lamp idea and offer it as parts that users assemble themselves. However, in order to extend this idea, I will explore options of user customisation and adaptability of products, where users have a part in the actual design makeup of the product.

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