
Thursday 26 May 2016

project three : laser cutting, packaging, and poster drafting

This week I laser cut my wooden components for my final product. I've now included four different shape sets which will allow people to construct their own unique design for the lamp shade. Each of these shapes all fit into the same one base, and are all the same height, so when used together there will still be a sense of cohesion in the lamp's design. I'm pretty happy with how they are all looking together at the moment, and have created some interesting looks so far. It will be great to see how other people interact with it when it's on exhibition - if people will of for real crazy and weird designs or for a more ordered one.

Unfortunately, the extra width that the laser cut added to the gaps in the base pieces means that the interlocking of the parts is too loose at the moment. I will need to recut these again a tiny faction smaller to accommodate for that extra width. Not really a big task though so not too worried about it.

I still haven't started making my packaging - I think I really need to have all the components together first before doing this to see how they all work together in a flat pack. My vision is for it to be very sleek and compact to make for easy distribution.

I have also done a draft advertisement poster for my lamp. At the moment, it's just using an image of my prototype so obviously that will have to change. I was struggling a little bit with how to fit all the explanations on the page required by the brief, while still making it look like an advertisement. But, I've decided to think of it as more of an ad that you would find in a home decor magazine.

That's pretty much where I'm at at the moment - have quite a bit to get onto for the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I find everything related to 3D models and their current designs fascinating. Not satisfied with that everything that can be done at home through our imagination, is the maximum. It is great that in these corners of the web we can meet to learn more about advances in devices and more advanced software. It would be great to know more about this type of project. The world of 3D is infinite and wonderful. Here I leave to lovers of 3D modeling of my website where you can find an infinity of designs and download them. My Site
