
Saturday 27 July 2013

photographic fiction : final proposal

For this project I want to explore a portion of the product life-cycle of a disposable coffee cup, starting at it's "birth" at a manufacturers and ending it’s “life” in a rubbish bin. Through this project I will aim to communicate how the majority of the disposable coffee cups “life” is spent waiting to be used. With this, when the cup is finally fulfilling it’s true purpose to be used by the consumer, it is only for a fraction of it's lifecycle then discarded.

I want this project to act as a small insight into issues regarding consumerism and the need for reusable products. Aiming to communicate this by subtly personifying the cup, making it at first seem forgotten and longing to be used, then giving it aspiration to be a reusable product such as teapots and coffee mugs. From here I will imply the disposable cup is “happy” as it is being used, giving it a false sense of security in the consumers embrace, only to then be abandoned, ending it’s “life”.

I will try to achieve this by using high camera angles to make the cups look small and powerless, and high perspective shots of the cups to show their point of view, giving the cups perspective and life. With this I will manipulate the feelings of the images by slightly changing the colouring of the photos, using cold colours to depict sadness and warmer colours to give the feeling of happiness and belonging. I think that this will allow my narrative to be explained more clearly and give feeling to the story.

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