
Tuesday 23 July 2013

photographic fiction: initial shoot

Here are a couple of shots from my initial shoot. While not completely certain how I want to portray the  lifecycle of the disposable coffee cup, I focused on the timeframe from when the cup is sitting at a cafe, to when it is purchased or adopted. These photographs were shot at Fidels on Cuba Street.

I like this photo as it shows the cups coming from the packaging as a group. It would be interesting to get photos from the earliest stages of this if possible to show the actual start of their lifecycle. However, coming from this packaging could be interpreted as their "birth".

I like this photo as the cups aren't the focus of the shot. They are almost lost in the image, blending into similar background colours. This portrays them as not belonging to anyone yet.

 I don't feel like this image is necessarily strong or needed. However I thought that the idea of the actual action of paying to get the coffee cup was interesting in terms of looking at what consumers find necessary.

Again, although this image isn't very strong, I think it is a crucial event in the cup's lifecycle as it is one where it becomes one with the person.

Although this image isn't relevant to the narrative or coffee shop itself, I thought it was interesting that they would advertise coffee with clothing. It makes a suggestion that coffee is as important as clothing.

I am reasonably happy with the outcome of my initial shoot, not that it gave me great photos, but it really gave me a much better idea as to where I want to take this project. If I had more time to take more photographs I could have gotten some images that I could actually use.

I would like to work on conveying more feeling into the images to personify the coffee cups. I am not sure yet if I will do this manually or through photo shop.

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