
Monday 29 July 2013

photographic fiction : second shoot

These are the photo's from my second shoot. Again, I mainly focused on the in-shop coffee cup experience. I have emailed a store in Lower Hutt which sells the cups and have arranged a time with them later this week to shoot in their store. 

From these images, I focused on the disposable coffee cups being in this environment which is almost like an orphanage, waiting to be chosen. With this I also played with the idea of the coffee pots being more like idols to the cups, as they are reused. To show this I used lower angels to portray them as being higher beings, along with putting the coffee cups out of focus when shown with the pots showing that they hold less relevance. 

From here, I think it will be good to have the shots from the store showing where they first start at. And then to continue that, I need to take more photos this week of the actual human interaction with the cups. I also will play around with curves to see how I can manipulate colouring and lighting to portray feelings of the cups.

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