
Tuesday 23 July 2013

photographic fictions: initial proposal

For this project, I am aiming to communicate the product lifecycle of a disposable, takeaway coffee cup. I will explore themes of ownership and importance that is placed to the cup by the user, ultimately ending in consumption and then disposal. This can then further communicate ideas of consumer behaviour.

I want to portray how the coffee cup is adopted as part of the user when first purchased; how it acts as almost a lifeline to the user by containing a substance that can be seen as vital sustenance to some people's everyday. I will explore how getting that coffee is shaping an everyday routine, then look at how it is embraced by the user. The cup goes with the person, and is cherished. However, when the coffee cup is no longer full, the cup becomes redundant and all the importance applied to the cup is forgotten. I will shoot this narrative as a series.

From this project, I hope that I can personify the cup, making it have initial feelings of importance and "self-worth" then contrast this with the ultimate feelings of uselessness and betrayal. It would be interesting to then allude this idea to the greater consumer behaviour as to how consumers buy a product and cherish it for a limited amount of time and then dispose of it without thought. I am not one hundred percent sure as to how I will achieve this yet however.

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