
Tuesday 25 September 2012

light : initial shoot

These are the first photographs I took. I like the diversity I achieved in the photographs as I was testing the shutter speed, depth of field, and movements. 

These are my favorite photographs out of this shoot and think I will further investigate the same techniques applied in these images.

Although this image was shot (accidentally) in black and white, I like the shortness of the light lines  and the movement they have as it still shows the landscape line. For this photograph I used a longer shutter speed, which didn't allow me to have as much movement present in my later photos. I also like that with the absence of colour, it is a bit harder to tell what they actually are. 

 I like this shot as it is very abstract - you can't really tell that it's a landscape - it could be cars passing by. I also like the different lines created, some are bold and full while others appear to be broken. However, i'm not sure that this reflects my proposal well. This photograph was using a very short shutter speed with a quick horizontal movement. However, I still think it is a successful photograph.

These three images I think embodies my proposal a bit better - you can clearly see the outline of the landscape which is what I wanted to show. Each photo progresses with shutter speed and movement. I like the progression that was created. I really like the second one as it is a bit more abstract than the others.
For this image, I used a short depth of field which gave a more hazy effect to the images. With this, it meant that the shutter speed was longer and it captured smaller movements. I like the sort of smokiness that appears in this image and how it rises from the lights - it sort of reminds me of a birthday cake. I also like how you can see the line of the landscape in it.

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