
Wednesday 5 September 2012

time : development

I like these images for two main reasons - I like how we can see the change of state of the ingredients - especially the spaghetti which goes from a straight rigid product to this free flowing product. 

This is interesting to me as I feel like people can hide so many different things in soup. Although this is a fairly simple recipe, i think the idea is still behind it from the huge chunk of pumpkin which is just completely morphed into a runny substance.

 These images are a bit of a different look, where any nutritional benefit of the meal, seemingly disappears and is engulfed by the burger bun.  

I love these photographs as it shows how we use these disgusting old bananas and chuck it together with some other stuff, and we will happily eat the yuck bananas. i think this really portrays how things can be changed and transformed through a process in time.

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