
Friday 10 August 2012

space : final photographs

For this project, I explore the different "tracks" of the Wellington Railways Station. Starting off from entering the station then to the trains leaving, I looked at the space and how it offered different routes for people to take their individual journey; how the space provided paths for people to take. 

I feel that my final series is effective as it shows the idea of "going places" clearly. It was interesting to explore the train station as a place people all came together, to go different ways. I demonstrated this in my first images as there are many people in the same area, then contrast this with the different routes people take within the station where not so many people are. Supporting this, I used a similar composition in all of my images to show a connection between all the routes. Furthermore, I communicated the idea of direction by using a large depth of field which gave dimension to my images.  The dark lighting in the photographs also give a sense of ambiguity and unknown to the images. I think that this adds to the idea of a journey as these feelings are sometimes present in many of the journeys taken within life - in this, I wanted to look further into the meaning of  a journey, rather than just the physical journey from going to the train station and boarding a train. 

I think the series works well as the first image captures the first steps into this space, and goes through the different tracks that the space provides. It then ends with the most obvious track of the Wellington Railways Station, almost sending off the people pictured earlier.

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