
Saturday 4 August 2012

space : task 3

Large Aperture:

Small Aperture:
I think these two images worked well. The large aperture isolated the toothbrush from the rest of the image successfully, while the image with a small aperture put everything into focus, connecting the different subjects of the image.

Short Shutter:
This image wasn't as successful as I hoped it would be. I would have liked to use a faster shutter speed but my camera didn't have a low enough aperture setting, so there was not enough light let in for a shorter shutter speed. I do think it captures some sort of frozen moment, but not entirely.

 Long Shutter:
Again, I don't think this image was as successful as it could have been. I think a slower shutter speed would make the image seem a bit more realistic as I think it looks like that the hand is turning the tap at an incredibly fast speed. However, it does still show motion.

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