
Monday 30 September 2013

lomographics : artist precedents

I have had a bit of trouble finding precedents for this project but I cam across work from Mark Sink's Diana Does Famous Faces series and was really intrigued. Although I don't think it relates to my project very much,  I really enjoyed his series. I did get the feeling that his photo's were a lot like digital images in the way which they were shot; they looked heaps just like normal snapshots off someones phone at a party one night. I think the fact that this isn't the case and that although it seems like the image wasn't really thought about, Sink actually had to spend a lot of time with the film to actually develop the image and see what he had taken. In this, his series actually relates quite well to the concept of my project.

For this series Sink used a Diana camera, making the images blurry.

From Diana Does Famous Faces, 1990
I love how this image looks like it could be on instagram today and how unposed and natural this image looks. I also love the movement in the background as it makes it look ore real.

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