
Friday 13 September 2013

photography as data : development

While using the ratings to compose my images, I found that the section method I used created a graph-like aesthetic which I was quite interested in. The elements it used such as the grid and blocks made the whole image look very scientific. I decided to embrace this look and block out the different sections of the comparing face to clearly show the different ratings and to embrace and emphasise the graph that was created. Here are a couple of examples:

The face on the right hand is the "constant" while the face on the right was placed based on what ratings the constant gave each portion. While the graph blocks being in colour makes them more distinguishable, I prefer the grey tones as it isn't too distracting and also looks a lot cleaner and doesn't detract from the scientific aesthetic. I think for my final edits I will add a bit more information to the graphs in order to make them a bit more understandable. I also think I will play around with using these images with the non-graphical ones so that it is still easy to compare the genetic similarities and differences.

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