
Tuesday 10 September 2013

photgraphy as data: final proposal

For this project, I aim to explore how genetics determine facial features across a family and how we view these different characteristics. This will be achieved by taking studio style portraits then patching the various faces together through photoshop.

This project will be focused on one family; a mother, a father, two sisters and a brother. They will be asked to rate their own 5 facial features (forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, jaw) versus the other members on a scale of 1 to 4.
Based on these ratings, their faces will be merged together to create a representation of their own perspective of genetics while showcasing similarities and differences between the family members.

As mentioned, studio style portraits will be taken of each family member in order to fuse the faces together easily by making sure lighting is constant. This will make the series appear more seamless and also give a scientific aesthetic as it will be quite clean and sterile. I will then use photoshop to apply portions of the other family member's faces based on their ratings. This will be achieved through a grid used over all the images in order to get true representations of their ratings which will be constant throughout the series. I think the grid will also add to the scientific aesthetic of the series also.

I think that this project will be an interesting display of how genetics differ between family members while also investigating how people see themselves in their family members.

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