
Tuesday 10 September 2013

photography as data - second shoot

For my second shoot, I photographed a different family in order to have more participants to compare. In this shoot, I tried to get better lighting and used a blank background so it would be easier to merge the images together. However, the lighting quality is still very poor, and their are again shadows that distract from the images.

When merging this shoot, I was more influenced by Nancy Burson in the way which she chose different features from various people to make new images. From this, I took portions of a family member and placed them over another member's portrait to create a sort of patchwork aesthetic. I quite like how it turned out, giving a bit more of an abstract look while still being able to compare genetic similarities and differences. Although it is not as scientific or obvious as Collettes technique, it removes any chance of badly joining the images together in photoshop, making the series look more professional .


For this image, I experimented a bit more with Burson's technique and created a person made up with various people's facial features. Instead of creating a comparison between two family members, it creates the family's "universal" face. While I like the way that this image turned out, I don't think it explores genetics as well as I would like to for this project.

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